Thanks for checking us and and thinking about donating to AirborneGamer!  Your donation will support the AirborneGamer website and provide for more giveaways for our Elite only Group.

Donate to AirborneGamer!


$5 donation -> AirborneGamer Elite Group Invite!

(Previous Gold and Silver groups were migrated to our Elite Group and no longer exist)

Top 5 Reasons you should donate to AirborneGamer

5)  You will become the man (or woman) your mother taught you to be.

4)  You will automatically be a better gamer.

3)  You will feel good about life.

2)  Attractive women (and men) will be able to smell your AirborneGamer Elite status and will come onto you in the street.

1)  You will get into exclusive giveaways!  Only INVITED gamers (who have donated) will be eligible for these giveaways.